Results from the State Super 2020 Member Satisfaction survey highlights greater member satisfaction compared to other funds.
We are very pleased to learn that overall satisfaction with State Super remains high at 8 out of 10. Our overall score continues to outperform the national average of 7.8 out of 10 for other funds.
Members were asked about their satisfaction across a range of key service areas, and the scoring was extremely high in a number of areas including telephone service, seminars, and financial advice.
Telephone service
State Super’s telephone service was rated 8.5 out of 10 compared with the industry average of 7.6. Members told us the top three reasons for this high satisfaction score was because our customer service representative:
- Did what they promised they would do
- Was polite and courteous, and
- Was easy to understand.
Another key factor in this satisfaction rating, was that 90% of respondents had their enquiry resolved during the first call.
Scheme seminars
State Super offers a range of seminars for SASS and SSS members to help them to understand their super or pension. Members rated our seminars 8.7 out of 10, which is substantially higher than the national average of 7.4 for seminars.
Hosted on our behalf by Aware Super, members tell us that the seminars are very useful and help them consider in advance the impact of their decisions and how that may impact their defined benefit super.
The main reasons for member satisfaction with seminars were:
- The information was easy to understand
- It was relevant to them, and
- It was easy to register.
In 2020 we switched to hosting online webinars. This format has proved to be so popular it will remain as an option for members even after we return to hosting face to face events.
Financial advice
State Super provides members with easy access to financial planning from Aware Super who are experts in the complexities of the State Super schemes. Members who met with an Aware Super financial planner in 2020 rated the experience 8.4 out of 10. This is substantially higher than the national average of 7.4 for financial advice provided by other super funds.
The main reasons members rated this service highly were:
- The planner was polite and courteous
- The planner was knowledgeable about the member’s scheme, and
- The planner did what they said promised they would do.
About the Member Satisfaction research
- State Super has been running Annual Member Satisfaction research since 2015 through external and independent provider Woolcott Research & Engagement.
- The research was completed in December 2020. Data from 1,025 State Super members along with 1000 members of other super funds was collected using a computer assisted phone survey.
- Participants were asked to think about how satisfied they are with a particular element of service and rate it out of 10, with 10 being extremely satisfied.
- Scores for some key service areas were compared against the national average.