Governance and Policies


SAS Trustee Corporation (STC) has adopted a corporate governance framework for administering and managing the Pooled Fund on behalf of members and participating employers. STC maintains a series of policies and procedures designed to ensure effective and ethically sound corporate governance, including a Code of Conduct for Board members and STC staff, privacy policies and NSW Government policies.

As a NSW Government body, STC must comply with the governing legislation for its schemes. In addition, STC complies with the NSW Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 (GIPA Act), which requires STC to provide information about STC's policies (including NSW Government, governance and investment policies), scheme legislation, access to information under the GIPA Act and relevant documents tabled in Parliament.


Accessible below are some of STC's corporate policies, including governance and investment.

Policies Date of Issue
Board Charter April 2023
Board Renewal Policy August 2023
Climate Change Statement August 2022
Code of Conduct and Ethics February 2020
Complaint and Dispute Resolution Policy August 2021
Conflicts Management Policy April 2023
Data Breach Policy November 2023
Diversity and Inclusion Policy and Plan May 2021
Fit and Proper Policy August 2021
Gifts and Benefits Disclosure March 2024
Investment Governance Framework December 2023
Investment Policy Statement December 2023
Prevention of Sexual Harassment at Workplace Policy February 2024
Privacy Statement December 2023
Public Interest Disclosures Policy December 2023
Records Management Policy January 2021
Responsible Investment Policy August 2022
Scheme Policies November 2018
Statement of Commitment to control fraud and corruption March 2018
Stewardship Statement August 2022
Tax Transparency Report June 2020