Tony O'Grady

Board Member - Employee Representative
Appointed June 2013

Tony O'Grady

Mr O’Grady has over 16 years’ experience as a trustee director of superannuation funds, initially, with Private Hospitals Superannuation Pty Ltd – the trustee for Health Industry Plan. He was appointed to the Board of State Super in June 2013.

He trained as a Registered Nurse at Royal North Shore Hospital and subsequently nursed in the specialities of Orthopaedics, Rheumatology and Sexually Transmitted Diseases.

Mr O’Grady has more than 30 years’ experience in the union movement, elected as a Branch Delegate to the New South Wales Nurses and Midwives’ Association at Royal North Shore and Westmead Hospitals, before commencing full-time work with the Association in 1987. He worked as an organiser, industrial officer, team manager and projects manager. In 2004 he moved into administrative roles, initially as Manager Administrative Services, and from August 2006 to August 2018 as Manager Projects and Compliance. This latter role involved responsibility for managing the Finance, Information Technology, and Records and Information Teams with a focus on budget, audit, risk and compliance. He also served as the Association’s Privacy Officer during this period.

Mr O’Grady served on the Risk and Audit Committee whilst a Director of HIP. He has been a member of State Super’s Member Services Committee since 2013 and a member of State Super’s Risk,  Audit and Compliance Committee since December 2014.

Mr O'Grady holds a Graduate Diploma in Employment Relations from the University of Technology, Sydney and a Certificate in Nursing, which he completed at Royal North Shore Hospital.