
The Trustee Board consists of:

  • an independent Chairperson
  • four employer representatives
  • four employee representatives.

All Board members are appointed by the Treasurer and serve on a part-time basis, except for one full-time employee representative.

To be eligible for appointment as Chairperson, a person must have significant knowledge of and experience in conducting superannuation schemes, investments, and financial management of public administration. They must also be independent of employers and employees and their respective interests.

To be eligible for appointment as an employer representative, a person must have a knowledge of, and experience in, the conduct of superannuation schemes, investments, financial management or public administration.

Employee representatives are nominated by Unions NSW in consultation with the organisations representing the STC members.

For information relating to the Board and the nomination, appointment and removal of trustees refer to Policies.

Board Performance

The State Super Board has completed its performance assessment for the financial year ended 30 June 2023, noting that the Board continues to be a high performing and effective Board in overseeing the activities of the Trustee and in supporting the development of the organisation's strategic goals as the organisation faces into a period of transformation in the demographics of the STC Scheme members.

For more information, refer to the Skills Matrix and Gender and Tenure Diversity as at October 2023.

The Register of Relevant Duties and Interests is also available.

The Trustee Board has established the following committees to which it has delegated relevant functions. The committees are made up of members of the Trustee Board.

There are four Trustee Board Committees:

  • Risk, Audit and Compliance Committee
  • Investments Committee
  • Human Resources and Nominations Committee
  • Member Services Committee

For information regarding the function and membership of the Trustee committees refer to the latest available State Super Annual Report to Parliament.